
Installing Apache Maven – Luxury Edition

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As you might or might not know I have been using Apache Maven for quite a few years now and I have come to do all my development projects the maven way although I am probably not a full Maven maven. I am setting up a new development machine at home after being forced to look for a new job so I might as well write down what I do, since it is probably a bit different from the normal install.

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Feisty drinking a cup of coffee

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So far so good. Feisty certainly rocks in many aspects as you see from my previous posts, but here comes a biggie. Feisty is probably the best system to get going with Java development out of the box. And here is why and a few gotchas.

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Tweaking a Feisty Fawn

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  • Beitrags-Kategorie:Computer

After lots of pain with data recovery and associated fun due to my master harddisk totally dying on me, I am back up with a brand new install of Feisty. My old install of Dapper with all the working setup is toast. I was able to copy some files off the partition, but thats about it. In that sense I am missing part of the reference I was going to use for setting up Feisty and I currently don’t have a system that does all I want. So there is a lot to do and here is what I have done so far in terms of tweaking.

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