Problems with WordPress categories gone

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We have recently been having a lot of issues with tags and categories misbehaving in wordpress and I finally figured out the solution. Since it was anything but obvious I thought I share my findings.
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Welcome to our new site!

Finally we did the switch from PostNuke to our new Wordpress and we hope that you like it - would be cool if you tell us what you think about…

Time to say Good-bye

After a really really long time (8-9 years) of a PostNuke powered it's time for us to say "Goodbye PostNuke - Hello Wordpress". We had a lot of fun…

weblinksmap new release

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After receiving some help from the postnuke team a new version of the weblinksmap hack has arrived. It now fully works for multiple web link categories and has enhanced security.…

weblinksmap – Google maps in Postnuke

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So your web site talks a lot about travelling and has photos about all sorts of places? And you would like to link to all those resources on a map like this. Well, if you happen to use PostNuke for your site we got the right hack for you.

(mehr …) update – Step 1

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  • Beitrags-Kategorie:Computer

You might have noticed that the site has been changing a bit here and there. Get an inside look on what happened and what new features are now available to you ;-)

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PHProjekt Public Calendar System v20030724 released

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It has been in use in production for more than a year now and I finally found the time to properly package
the PHProjekt Public Calendar System for others to enjoy. PHProjekt is a mature, powerful web based groupware solution facilitating a PHP environment. It has an
active development and user community. The whole groupware requires access via login for any users. Within the calendar component of the groupware public events can be created. And this is where the PPCS comes in handy…

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Postnuke Mosabuam Theme 20030319 released

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Finally our new theme is live on the site and available for download. Since I was unhappy with the internals of the theme I completely
rebuilt the theme from scratch with the same layout and enhanced functionality
in mind. I ended up with a theme based upon the core PostNuke theme and many,
many enhancements…

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Postnuke: Mosabuam Theme 20030211 released

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After releasing the site based on the free software solution Postnuke and others (find out more about how our site works here) enjoying the benefits of the work carried out…

Our new website – how does it all work?

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  • Beitrags-Kategorie:Computer

We finally did it! An update to our site has been long overdue and we could only succeed thanks to a few great tools we found and our site is now using.

Originially, back in 1996 when we started to work on our website, we hardcoded our HTML with a text editor and that was it then. With a bit of planning and some hard work we were actually able to whip a site – Waterways – together we were happy with.

Things have changed since then…

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