Du betrachtest gerade Mauritius – the beach paradise

Mauritius – the beach paradise

  • Beitrags-Autor:
  • Beitrags-Kategorie:Reisen

When Babsi and I heard of the option to visit Mauritius before our main holiday destination – Reunion – we said: ´Yeah, let’s go´.

And we spent there seven beautiful days. You can read a little bit about the island or there are some galleries just for you.

The island itself offers plenty to do and if you need a refreshing thing, just go in the cristall clear water for a snorkeling trip

The people
Most of the people are indians, the rest are chineses, creoles and whites.
Due to this mixture you get a lot of interesting things to discover in the
villages – and if you are lucky then it’s Cavadé. A festival of the
Tamils, where the people walk from a river to the temple with heavy flower-decorated
sculptures – very impressive to watch
The Highlights of the Island
Our favorites of Mauritius were definitly the beaches but there is more
to discover:

  • In the south is the beautiful Rochester Waterfall, that tumbels over
    a cool basaltic rock. It is situated in an endless area of sugar cane.
    BTW, nice place for a fresh water swim.
  • Charamel has a beautiful waterfall and the colored earth is really
    beautiful – all types of brown and grey can be seen there
  • The SSR Botanical Garden in Pamplemouse has a really large selection
    of different plants. Go on a tour and you learn interessting things
    about spices, palms and other plants.
  • and don’t go to the Eureka house – it’s a touri rip off !!!
Snorkeling and where to sleep in a tent
Well, we enjoyed lots of different places on the seaside for snorkling,
relaxing and for the nights in our tent. For the campsites we always looked
for a picnic area or a public beach …

  • Gris Gris – a nice beach plus a really nice picnic spot that was our
    first campground – no snorkling
  • the Southcoast – the most remote coast. No resorts and an endless
    beach, a nice surfspot plus good snorkeling
  • Le Mourne – inbetween all the resorts is a nice public beach where
    you sleep with the protection of the hotel-guards plus you can go for
    a early morning dive (6:30 for a snorkeling experience)
  • Flic en Flac – a long beach with a really, really good snorkeling
    spot and a nice option for camping right beside the police (just ask
    them, they are very friendly). This is also one of the few areas where
    you see white inhabitants …
  • Pereybere – the best snorkeling area we found on the island is on
    the right side of the bay (we started on the left and crossed the hole
    bay …). There are lots of cheap apparments and 2-3 places for the
    midday roti :)
  • Blue Bay – our first and our last stop near the airport has good snorkeling
    at the right side of the public beach plus the only area that had a
    sign that told us „Camp Area“, but we heard rumours that we
    were the first campers there since 3 years …
Food – the Roti-way
Thanks to the indian people you get a lot of cheap food. besides the good
samosas we really got adicted to the „Roti“ – an omlette with
a spicy curry-like filling. Yummie !!!!


Wer ich bin? Na Werner eben und wer mich kennt der kennt mich. Sonst schaut euch einfach am Blog um und ihr werdet sehen was mich so interessiert....

Dieser Beitrag hat 6 Kommentare

  1. manfred

    This sounds like a great trip. I wish we could have joined you. I am quite surprised that camping was that easy. Did you just pop the tent anywhere?

  2. werner

    Yeah, basically thats it. We always camped either at a picnic area or at a public beach and we had no problem at all – except from Le Morne where we slept just with the sleeping bags and the trillions of sandflies nearly killed us …

  3. jpaulson

    I really like the pictures.

  4. manfred

    This sounds like a great trip. I wish we could have joined you. I am quite surprised that camping was that easy. Did you just pop the tent anywhere?

  5. werner

    Yeah, basically thats it. We always camped either at a picnic area or at a public beach and we had no problem at all – except from Le Morne where we slept just with the sleeping bags and the trillions of sandflies nearly killed us …

  6. jpaulson

    I really like the pictures.

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