Vancouver Island Paddling [VI-Paddling] Mailing List now online!

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  • Beitrags-Kategorie:Computer

Finally we are live. The Vancouver Island Paddling mailing list is on the internet. Everybody interested in discussing white water paddling related issues with fellow paddlers is welcome to join the list. We aim to be a forum for everybody interested in getting his paddle wet, be it in a canoe or kayak, in the surf or down a waterfall. Do you wanna sell some stuff and reach paddlers on the island? Or do you wanna hook up with some locals? Or you needed the latest news from the rivers out there? Read on and join us now!!!

We are paddlers of all types and backgrounds and share the love for being out there on the white water. We are a totally open forum and everybody with an email address is welcome to join us. We focus on white water and surf paddling related issues, but welcome everybody interested in our passion.

How to join?

To join the mailing list type your email address and name in the form fields here. You may choose a password by typing it in the form fields, but you can also just let the system create a password for you. Press the subscribe button and you will receive an email shortly. In order to be successfully subscribed you will have to reply to the email you receive. Just hit reply in your email application and send the email without any changes. Alternatively you can click on the link supplied in the email to confirm your subscription.

What next?

After you subscribed successfully you can send messages to everybody on the list by simply sending an email to It would be great if you send a short message to let us all know who you are and whatever you think might be fun to read. After that you can send anything to the list you feel is interesting to other paddlers here on the island.

How to manage the emails?

After you subscribed to the list you will receive a copy of every message anybody posts. All messages will contain the title of the list in the subject line of the message. It will say [VI-Paddling]. You can use this to filter all emails you receive and get all these mailing list posts in a separate folder in your email program.

The present and the future

Once you join you will see that at the moment we do not have very many users yet. Therefore we encourage you to recommend the mailing list to anybody, who could be interested to join us and link to us from your web site. The more users we get the better the forum. We are hoping to soon become a great resource for all paddlers on Vancouver Island. If you have some feedback about this article or the list feel free to post a comment below or on the list and we will do what we can.


Are you still unsure? No problem. Just join us and see what we are all about. You can always unsubscribe later. And if you like to have a chat with fellow paddlers, you will have a great time with us.

We hope to talk to you soon!!

Manfred, Werner and all other VI-Paddling subscribers

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