Android artifacts to be published to Maven central repository?

So I have been dabbling with Android development for a bit and have been using Apache Maven for years. I recently started to provide some patches for the maven-android-plugin and came across the issue that the android.jar is not in maven central.. So something needed to be done.

I contacted Jason van Zyl and then Bob Lee on twitter and got support from both of them. Now I created an issue on google code for the request and I am in the process of publishing the request out to the world. I will track the progress with the comments to this post and potentially further posts. I really hope that this will happen with the push from the community just like it did with spring, jboss and google projects. I hope you will all help and retweet, star the issue or leave a supporting comment there. Lets see if we can get this happening.

Admin of the System

The big Admin of the System - normally either Werner or Manfred ;)

Dieser Beitrag hat 5 Kommentare

  1. Manfred Moser

    I have now posted a request for help on the Android group on LinkedIn, the Android Develeloper group on LinkedIn, the android discuss list on google groups and the Maven User group on Linkedin.

  2. Manfred Moser

    After much communicating and twittering we gave up and decided to take matters into our own hands. I have developed the maven-android-sdk-deployer which is now the standard helper tools for the maven-android-plugin. More here

  3. Satish

    Till then where can I find the android2.1_rc1 dependency jar?

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