Du betrachtest gerade Origami workshop by Paul Jackson

Origami workshop by Paul Jackson

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  • Beitrags-Kategorie:Kreatives

3483 After seeing the Origami exhibition I was glad to take part in Paul Jackson’s workshop Origami for artists and designers. Everthing started with feeling the paper (the grease…) and then we moved on to one fold and how to fix it. Crumbling was one of the next topics which is a really uncommon origami way for me (but cool), then we did some mountain and valley folding (the small image on the right) and lastly we did two modular orgami pieces. Of course you can see some of the stuff I did during the workshop.

If you want to explore some other stuff, take a look at Paul’s website in general and especially this subpage
and the subpage containing some work by his students – great crumbling stuff …


Wer ich bin? Na Werner eben und wer mich kennt der kennt mich. Sonst schaut euch einfach am Blog um und ihr werdet sehen was mich so interessiert....