Impressions from the Sun Developer Day in Vancouver

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  • Beitrags-Kategorie:Computer

Wow. What an exciting day. Time sure flew by. It all started with great weather and
an awesome flight on the seaplane from downtown Victoria to downtown Vancouver. After
all Victoria is only the capital of BC and Vancouver is the big city with all the busy
developers, so thats where the developer day got to be ;-)

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weblinksmap – Google maps in Postnuke

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  • Beitrags-Kategorie:Computer

So your web site talks a lot about travelling and has photos about all sorts of places? And you would like to link to all those resources on a map like this. Well, if you happen to use PostNuke for your site we got the right hack for you.

(mehr …) update – Step 1

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  • Beitrags-Kategorie:Computer

You might have noticed that the site has been changing a bit here and there. Get an inside look on what happened and what new features are now available to you ;-)

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