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Time to play – with the Poison Strychnin

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  • Beitrags-Kategorie:Sport

It was time for a new toy ‚coz my MountainBike just isn’t designed for Dirt and Streetstyle. After a little bit of surfing I found the Poison Strychnin and now Michi and I both have a Strychnin.
Until now we rode at the skateparks in Elsbethen and Grödig and of course in flat areas. The dirtjump in the Josefiau was to wet … But the weekend is coming …

PS: If you know of any cool riding area (Street, dirt or sk8park) please tell me :)



Wer ich bin? Na Werner eben und wer mich kennt der kennt mich. Sonst schaut euch einfach am Blog um und ihr werdet sehen was mich so interessiert....