Canyoning: Fleure Jaune – Reunion

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  • Beitrags-Kategorie:Reisen / Sport

FleureJaune During our trip on Reunion, Babsi and I decided to go on canyoning trip. After a little bit of reading, we decided to book a tour for the Canyon Fleure Jaune.

Equipped with our videocam, we started the 4 hour trip that led us to brilliant abseiling in an amazing landscape … (3min; 2,2MB)


Wer ich bin? Na Werner eben und wer mich kennt der kennt mich. Sonst schaut euch einfach am Blog um und ihr werdet sehen was mich so interessiert....

Dieser Beitrag hat 4 Kommentare

  1. manfred

    Cool video. Like the music. Nice and heavy. Who is it?

    Also after seeing the video I am now even more jealous than after the photos from the gallery. Gotta do that too;-)

    Btw. where there any jumps? Looked more like a pure abseil, although a wet one with swims?

  2. werner

    Musix: Endless Summer by Zwan

    and you are right, pure abseiling – no jumps, except one abseil where we could decide when the rope should end … thanks to a misunderstanding I had a 10m freefall :)

  3. manfred

    Cool video. Like the music. Nice and heavy. Who is it?

    Also after seeing the video I am now even more jealous than after the photos from the gallery. Gotta do that too;-)

    Btw. where there any jumps? Looked more like a pure abseil, although a wet one with swims?

  4. werner

    Musix: Endless Summer by Zwan

    and you are right, pure abseiling – no jumps, except one abseil where we could decide when the rope should end … thanks to a misunderstanding I had a 10m freefall :)

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