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Testride for the Salzkammergut Trophy

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  • Beitrags-Kategorie:Sport

The Salzkammergut Trophy is a really famous bike marathon, but this year it’s also possible to participate on one wheel. Yesterday Babsi and I drove to Bad Goisern for a testride. The tour is 24,8km long and has 634m attitude … sadly only the first 300m uphill were rideable (up to Rehkogl) – then the road turned into a very steep gravel road. So I had to push my municycle until I reached the rideable part at the Kriesmoosalm. Afterwards a short, steep section needs some walking again but then we reached the highest point on the tour and the downhill began – most parts are forestroads but the landscape is just amazing. All together it’s a nice tour and the maximum time of 3.5hours is allright for muncyclists. It took us around 3,5h but we had a lot of photostops – a time under 3h is definitly no problem …

Hope to see you on the 14th of July – I will be there ;)

For some photos of the tour follow me … and for some facts for other municyclers who want to participate follow this link


Wer ich bin? Na Werner eben und wer mich kennt der kennt mich. Sonst schaut euch einfach am Blog um und ihr werdet sehen was mich so interessiert....

Dieser Beitrag hat 2 Kommentare

  1. manfred

    Awesome man. I look forward to the photos from the event. The details at the organizers site are cool too. Including press photos ;-)

  2. manfred

    Awesome man. I look forward to the photos from the event. The details at the organizers site are cool too. Including press photos ;-)

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