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Lago di Garda – or how to decrease car-riding time …

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  • Beitrags-Kategorie:Sport

Originally Pat, Toni and I wanted to ride the trails of Les2Alpes for 4 days but due to a delay we changed our plan and stayed at the Lago di Garda. After a short warm-up at the Monte Brione we were challenged by the endless turns of the Monte Stino and the steep’n’gravel descend of the Sentiro 112 – Dalco … After these 3 tours we opted for a relaxed shuttle day in Meran before we had to head back home …
Of course there a some photos and videostills for you made by Toni and me.


Wer ich bin? Na Werner eben und wer mich kennt der kennt mich. Sonst schaut euch einfach am Blog um und ihr werdet sehen was mich so interessiert....