Family Fun in Costa Rica

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2007 proved to be the most challenging year for Manfred and myself so far. Having two kids under two has given us a new found respect for each other. In the toughest of times we always found ways to deal with the kids and not to mention each other ;-) There is much love and happiness in our family amongst the chaos and sleep deprivation as you can see from the photos.

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Snow is falling, ….

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Winter has come to Salzburg (since the beginning of november ...), the christmas backery has openend and we just enjoy the time as you can see in several photos ...

Testriding my Canyon Torque

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After a long silence at our site (due to technical problems with the gallery) let me introduce you to >> my new Canyon Torque 8.0!!! I had plenty perfect rides…

Book Review: Adding Ajax

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Shea Phillips has read and reviewed "Adding AJAX" from OReilly he received via VIJUG. Sounds like a good book. Read his review on his blog.

Back on the internet and in the Java world

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  • Beitrags-Kategorie:Computer

Wow. After a month away from radio, tv, internet and other distractions in Costa Rica, we are back at home in cold and wet Victoria. I had a few thousand…