Du betrachtest gerade 1 and 2 wheels in southern tyrol

1 and 2 wheels in southern tyrol

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  • Beitrags-Kategorie:Sport

Thx to the national public holiday Pat, Toni and I had the opportunity to stay 5 days in southern tyrol at Maria’s place. Thanks again Maria for everything – it was awesome!!!

If you want to go on a trip to Southern Tyrol then you may want to read the hole story for some tips – otherwise you can just enjoy the photos.

Allright, so you want to bike there as well. Here are some tourinfos for you:


An awesome tour. You can either start at Feldthurn or (if you have a shuttle option) at the parking lot at Wetterstein. If you start at Feldthurn then you have to 600hm on concrete road in addition. From the parking lot you always follow the gravel road until you reach the Brugger Schupfen (yummie stuff) and a little bit further. Then it’s trailtime (riding but mostly hiking/carrying) until you reach the Radlsee mountain hut (Thursday is dumpling day). The trail descend right fromt he garden via the steps … Or, if you ride a municycle then it’s an awesome downhill back to the Wetterstein parking lot. It’s completely rideable for 800hm !!!


Ah, the landscape was awesome but the tour was … oh, well forget it .. Find one on your own – ours was crap!


Bozen offers 3 cablecars and thanks to Mountainbiker.it we had descriptions for all 3 tours. The Jenesien turned out to be ok but the Ritten and escpecially the Kohlern are just awesome. An important thing for the Kohlern: we didn’t ride the tour from mountainbiker.it! From the cablecar just ride on the concrete road uphill for 30hm and at the first house the hiking path 4 starts. Follow the signs 4 and/or 4a until you reach the valley again ….


Wer ich bin? Na Werner eben und wer mich kennt der kennt mich. Sonst schaut euch einfach am Blog um und ihr werdet sehen was mich so interessiert....