PHProjekt Public Calendar System v20030724 released

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  • Beitrags-Kategorie:Computer

It has been in use in production for more than a year now and I finally found the time to properly package
the PHProjekt Public Calendar System for others to enjoy. PHProjekt is a mature, powerful web based groupware solution facilitating a PHP environment. It has an
active development and user community. The whole groupware requires access via login for any users. Within the calendar component of the groupware public events can be created. And this is where the PPCS comes in handy…

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Chatham Island

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  • Beitrags-Kategorie:ReisenSport

After trying to get to the Sooke Potholes by bike and being hindered by the rain last Saturday we spent a fun Sunday on a boat trip…

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Mutti's recipe: Austrian Tray Fruit Cake

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  • Beitrags-Kategorie:Kochen

A plum and apricot ready to go

I grew up with all sorts of variations of this delicious cake and nowadays I tend to make it myself regularly – especially when we have guests, who often end up asking for the recipe. I like it best hot and fresh out of the oven with a cold glass of milk, but of course you can enjoy it with a cup of tea or coffee after it cooled down as well. So here you go …

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New Gallery: Canada’s wild animals.

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  • Beitrags-Kategorie:Reisen

We have been here in Victoria for a bit more than two months now and we have seen many animals here we never saw before. Check out some of them in the new gallery, stay tuned for more additions and read on to find out what we already saw, but couldn’t get a photo yet…

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