After two weeks of teasing his mum “I am coming now, no I am not” Tobias finally decided to make an appearance – Here I am! And what an appearance it was.
Just seven minutes after arriving at the maternity ward, Tobias greeted his shocked and surprised parents with a loud cry. Manfred and I looked at each other as I held Tobias in my arms for the first time with the expression of “Did we just have a baby?!”.
Everything we learned about signs of labour and the stages of birth went out the window with our little lightning. But I, for one, am very thankful for the quick birth and even more thankful that we made it to the hospital just as his head was crowning.
Manfred and I are the happiest parents in the world to be blessed with three beautiful and healthy boys. Our family feels totally complete and blissful now and we look forward to all the adventures life has installed for the five of us.
Oh and of course we got a bunch of photos of Tobias first few days for you all to enjoy as well…