Bewegung & Sport ist einfach eine superduper Sucht


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Another weekend - another river... Anschi, Michi and I enjoyed the beautiful Mörtlbach near Salzburg. Of course we made some photos for your viewing pleasure ;) and if you want…

Lots of snow in Big White

It is already nearly two weeks ago that we got back from our winter trip. This year we went to Big White in the interior of BC and since it was three of us the first time we had to drive up ourselves. Not a problem though. 4WD and new tires… ready to roll. Check out some of the photos we took or read on for more impressions.

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Tracks – The MUnicycle Video

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After one year of filming and editing I'm proud to present my second Municycle video called Tracks. It features unitrials and mountain unicycling from the last year... Hope you enjoy…

1 and 2 wheels in southern tyrol

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Thx to the national public holiday Pat, Toni and I had the opportunity to stay 5 days in southern tyrol at Maria’s place. Thanks again Maria for everything – it was awesome!!!

If you want to go on a trip to Southern Tyrol then you may want to read the hole story for some tips – otherwise you can just enjoy the photos.

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The Great Portage

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The Crossing of the Tennengebirge on one wheel

You can either read the hole story or you are lazy and just watch the picture.

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Akrocalypse in Munich

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It's was time for our second Akrocalypse - 3 acrobatic days in Munich! This year Gabi, Anja and Tobi joined Babsi and me and we had a lot of fun…

Pinzgau on wheels

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Last weekend one just a perfect one: blue sky and perfect rides on our wheels. Pat, Toni, Darko and I started on saturday with Saalbach. While Pat and Toni rode…

MUniride: Enzianhütte to Seewaldsee

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8538 Gladly we have sunshine now and Babsi wanted to go to a lake. Luckily I had the idea to combine the Seewaldsee with a MUni ride from the Enzianhütte…

MUniride at the Barmstein

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During a short sunny period on friday Babsi and I headed of to the Barmstein - one of my local MUnirides. While I rode my MUni, Babsi took some photos…

A different kind of Poker

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Last Sunday I participated in a very different new kind of poker game for me. In the picture you see the poker hands all the teams got. I sure had a lot more fun that I could have at a real poker game. Teams? Poker hands? Fun? Find out more about the SIMBS Hartland Poker Mountainbike Race and read on…

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European MUni & Trial Convention – Denmark

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Thanks to the cheap flight from HLX I decided to travel to the 1st European MUni and Trails Convention in Fakse ladeplads in Denmark.

For the picture only persons > just watch the photos

All others can read on about the convention …
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High water surfing …

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During the last weekend Salzburg was hit by heavy rainfalls that brought the rivers to really high levels… and suddenly waves appear where there is normally nothing … Curious? Read on to see the wave …

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Slopestyle 2005 Weekend

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After the friday muni ride with Harry the mood for the weekend was set: Mountain Times! On saturday we headed to Saalbach Hinterglemm where we met Sven for a mountain…

Pfingsttrip to Slovenia & Croatia

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Pfingsten arrived and Babsi and I had to go on another trip. Due to some articles & guidebooks we decided to explore the rivers of Slovenia and Croatia – except the well known Soca. We started in the region of Bled, continued on to the slovenian Krka and there we had an accident that changed the hole trip: someone broke into our car.

Due to that we drove all the way to the croatian island Cres (fighting hail & snow with the heather and an always open – non-existing – window). There we found some nice mountainbiking, a very refreshing sea and a campsite that was the perfect muni-trailparcour.

Enough of the introduction – photos are just one click away or if you want to know some details ….
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