Netd@ys – EnterNOW video

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  • Beitrags-Kategorie:Computer

I had to do a short video for the AON Netd@ys Young Creativity Award featuring some paddling, municycling, boogieboarding and climbing - hope you like it. Now just watch either…

Summer white water paddling on Vancouver Island – Part 1 – Okisolo Rapids

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  • Beitrags-Kategorie:Sport

It is hot and dry on the island now. The snow has melted, the rain has gone
the rivers are dry. The Cowichan is as low as you can imagine it. On the
Koksilah you can probably walk down the river bed with mostly dry feet. Kayaking season is in atumn and winter here. And yet I have been paddling new
locations recently and had a blast. Guess how?

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