Du betrachtest gerade Tour d’Italy

Tour d’Italy

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  • Beitrags-Kategorie:Sport

Everything began on a typical thursday at 5 something in the morning … Babsi picked me up and I started to drive south while Babsi enjoying one of those relaxing car nappies. But finally we arrived in italy for our first cappucino … if you want to know more about this trip of mishappenings and cool adventures then just read more. If you are one of those „visual“ persons – there is a Venice gallery and a gallery with lots of mountainbike and canyoning pictures from the Lago de Gardo

1. Venice (Thursday)

A loooonnnngg day in venice, where we lost lots of water due to the
tropical temperatures. Besides from that, we enjoyed the pavillions of
the Biennale (especially the Danemark). Just see the pictures for an impression
of the day. At 22:00 we left Venice and drove to the south side of the
Lago di Garda.

2. Nago

After an early wake up we drove north, enjoyed a lovely breakfast and
just had a good time. Finally we arrived at Torbole where we met Michi
and Gina. As the sun set, we hoped on our mountainbikes and drove up to
the valley of St.Lucia and further on to Nago – nice trip …

3. Pasubio – Mishappening No. 1

We planned to bike the Pasubio, so we left Torbole and enjoyed the traffic
jam to Roveretto. Then we drove to the Pasubio parking lot, where we were
informed that the trail is closed … we tried another path up the Pasubio
and again it was closed. So we cycled to another path where I had a hole
in my tube … (No. 1). Finally we just rode on the street down to Roveretto
– what a day ….

4. Piazzole – another day, another hole …

Babsi, Michi and I left to Riva, where we wanted to bike the old road
but we ended at a metal gate …. so we drove back to Torbole, where Babsi
left us and Michi and I cycled all the 900m up to the start of the Piazzole
trail. There we seperated. Michi took the forest road and I went for the
singletrail. The first 100-200m altimeter were fine, but then … I smelled
the compressed air …. another hole … and nothing to repair it – Michi
had the stuff … So finally I ended up carrying my bike for 600 altimeter
down and really cool challenging trail ….
When we came back to the campsite, Michi and Gina left and I was alone

5. Sentiero del Pace – again …

Morning was relaxing, reading and bikestuffshopping and then Britta arrived
and at 18:00 we left for the Sentiero del Pace. A really cool singletrail
with another hole and a broken valve … but luckily Britta had another
tube so I could finish the trail …

6. Torrente Palvico

The 2nd day of the USI trip (the first was just a short biketrip) and
it led us to the lovely Torrente Palvico with an amazing 50m abseiling

7. MTB Tour in the south of the lake

1400 altimeter and a nice singletrail in brilliant surroundings – that’s
how it should be at how it was

8. Torrente Albola

Another canyon and the Albola has more water so it was more aquatic –
and refreshing ;)

9. Torrente Viona

Fun canyoning – that’s how you can describe this little canyon. Jumps,
slides and abseils and lots of it :)
10. Kohlern Trial in Bozen

The last day of the trip … we drove to Bozen, paid for the cableway
and then we had 800 altimeter of really cool singletrails for us. Definitly
worth the trip

Well, that was the trip d’Italy – CU soon (maybe next monday)


Wer ich bin? Na Werner eben und wer mich kennt der kennt mich. Sonst schaut euch einfach am Blog um und ihr werdet sehen was mich so interessiert....

Dieser Beitrag hat 2 Kommentare

  1. manfred

    Sounds like you had a ball.. and a bit of pushing the bike around never hurt anybody .. hahaha

  2. manfred

    Sounds like you had a ball.. and a bit of pushing the bike around never hurt anybody .. hahaha

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