Du betrachtest gerade Monstar in Salzburg

Monstar in Salzburg

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After travelling the half globe, Monstar finally arrived in Salzburg. After a little bit of culture and mountainbiking we visited the Eisriesenwelt – the worlds largest ice cave today.

New day – new discoveries: we enjoyed the view from the Untersberg (the mountain of Salzburg), the little creek Almbachklamm and the magical forest and the Hintersee at Ramsau.

A rainy sunday … after relaxing and some phonecalls to Oz we drove the the Königsee – a lake a in beautiful alpine setting..

On the last day of Mon’s stay in Salzburg we drove to the Krimmler Waterfalls – a series of waterfalls ranging from 20 to 60m in height.

And after this lovely day, Mon had to leave ‚coz there are more places for her to be discovered.

CU hopefully soon Mon’n’Jon



Wer ich bin? Na Werner eben und wer mich kennt der kennt mich. Sonst schaut euch einfach am Blog um und ihr werdet sehen was mich so interessiert....